Freebase, which is a large collaborative semantic knowledge graph, derived from Wikipedia and MusicBrainz among others. We restrict the data in the demo to the factual part of Freebase, and exclude any meta relations used by Freebase for its own bookkeeping.
which consists of 3778 training questions and 2032 test questions, each paired with its answer set, collected using the Google Suggest API and crowdsourcing.
which consists of 917 questions manually annotated with their Freebase query; 641 training and 276 test questions.
QUINT generates templates that type the answer entity.
All templates do not type the answer entity.
The number of decision trees to be used by our learning-to-rank random forest classifier.
Interpretable Question Answering over Knowledge Bases
Abdalghani Abujabal, Rishiraj Saha Roy, Mohamed Yahya and Gerhard Weikum
EMNLP, 2017